
2024 E-Commerce Study

We just completed our 4th extensive study of the e-commerce parts purchasing patterns of today’s fleets; we took an in-depth look at fleets’ current and future e-commerce parts purchasing activities for parts needed on medium and heavy-duty trucks, school buses, trailers and container chassis.

Here are just a few of the Study highlights:

·         Fleets are purchasing more truck and trailer parts online in 2024 than they were in 2021, but not as much as was projected their 3-year forecast.

·         More OE brands are filling these online carts compared to value line or all makes brands

·         Fleets are driven to online parts purchasing because of the convenience and parts pricing

·         There continues to be a shift towards parts providers that have online capabilities and away from those channels not offering parts purchasing online, which is forecast to continue in future years.

In addition, our Study examines most frequently utilized online channels, which parts are most often purchased online, rationale for not purchasing online, essential website attributes, delivery and payment options, to name a few. 

Take a look at the Table of Contents to review all of the topics covered in our Study.