MacKay & Company has just completed their initial Technology Monitor Report. This report is a benchmark and profiles where commercial medium and heavy-duty fleets are in their investigation and consideration of alternative powered vehicles.
Based on surveys completed with over 630 fleets that buy, own and maintain on-highway Class 6-8 trucks and school buses, the report covers several issues related to this subject, but the main focus of the study is measuring what actions or activities these companies have taken on the path to purchase alternative powered vehicles.
“We have been profiling and forecasting the aftermarket for parts, tire and lubricants for these vehicles for over 40 years and in recent years our customers have been asking to see the impact of alternative power on the aftermarket”, stated John Blodgett, vice president of MacKay & Company. “From our perspective, there is clearly a difference in government agencies’ stated goals for zero emissions vehicles, vehicle manufacturers’ goals for retail sales of these vehicles and what fleets are telling us about their current use and forecasted use of alternative power. This report specifically benchmarks what fleets are and are not doing as it relates to their path to purchase alternative vehicles”.
The table below outlines fleets’ current mix of power in their fleet and where they forecast alternative power to be in the future.
“The use and forecast have increased since 2019”, stated Blodgett, “but the pace of growth and forecasted growth at this point is just not near where we believe it needs to be to meet stated goals. That is why we felt the need to dig deeper into fleets’ current usage and measure specific actions and activities they have or have not taken on the path to purchase alternative powered vehicles.”
For more information, please contact us or call 630-916-6110.
HDAD 2024
WOW! What a jam-packed day filled with lively panel discussions and presentations. Thank you to all who attended; if you missed it, but would like to have access to the content, please let us know. For the price to attend you can receive a video of the day’s events and the presentations to review at your leisure. To read all about the day, visit our website at
We are already planning for 2025! Mark your calendars for Monday, January 20th.
In the Changing Service Equation, What Challenges Lie Ahead?
On an annual basis, MacKay & Company’s DataMac Truck product provides an in-depth look at both the parts and service of medium and heavy duty trucks and trailers. Every five years, we take an even closer examination of the service side of this equation for both power units and trailers — from both fleets’ and service providers’ perspectives. What is it that fleets are looking for AND what are service providers doing to meet these needs?
MacKay & Company’s 2024 Truck & Trailer Service Study will take a look at a number of service-related topics:
What does the service opportunity look like today?
What are fleets looking for in a service provider?
What are fleets’ trailer service needs?
How has technology impacted fleets’ service decisions?
What can component suppliers do to support the service channels?
...and many more!
Are there service-related topics that you and your team are interested in learning more about? This Study will also address topics that are specific to Study participants. By committing to the Study early on, you and your team will have the opportunity to include topics that you wish to explore. There are only a few days left to take advantage of your topics being included in our Study.
A detailed prospectus is available. Reach out and we will be happy to send it along for your review.
For more information, please contact us or call 630-916-6110.
We are updating our E-Commerce Parts Purchasing Study, taking an in-depth look at current channel utilization by today’s fleets to gain a better understanding of the current and future e-commerce parts purchasing activities.
We last looked at online parts purchasing in 2021; at that time, the U.S. was climbing its way out of the pandemic and a widespread parts shortage crisis.
What has changed since that time?
Are fleets utilizing online parts purchasing tools to a greater degree?
Have online sales gained share?
What role does e-commerce play beyond being another channel or ordering a part?
From fleets’ perspectives, what works and what doesn’t work?
It has recently been said by Kris Harrington, CEO of GenAlpha Technologies, “the time to embrace E-Commerce is now. It’s not just about staying relevant, it’s about thriving in a fast-paced, customer-centric landscape.” Do you know what your customers look for on a website? What will drive them to purchase through your site?
Our 2024 E-Commerce Parts Purchasing Prospectus will be out in the next couple of weeks. Look for it and make the important decision to positively impact your online parts purchasing in the future.
For more information, please contact us or call 630-916-6110.