Join us in welcoming Ken Griswold to the team.
— MacKay & Company

Ken Griswold joined MacKay & Company  as Director, Market Strategy and Sales.

Griswold’s years of industry experience combined with his innovative sales and marketing insights bring new breadth and depth to MacKay’s current team.

At MacKay & Company, Griswold will collaborate with our sales and marketing team, interface with clients and lead projects. Strategically, his skill set will be leveraged to manage and expand the organization’s product offerings by concentrating on developing brand strategies, market growth and product positioning for clients.

E-Commerce Study Just Launched

Just this week, we have launched this study. You can still get in on the ground level as we are in the midst of gathering input from participating clients.

It is important for industry players to understand the impact of e-commerce on the aftermarket and the business opportunity that it represents. 

The main objective of this study is to more clearly understand the current and future e-commerce parts purchasing channels and the buyer utilizing these channels. By examining fleets’ purchasing patterns, we will examine specific parts being purchased and the channels utilized when making these purchases.

In addition, this study will:

  • Profile the online buyer.
  • Identify those types of parts most frequently purchased online.
  • Examine the variety of channels offering online ordering and fleets’ rationale for using the online parts source.
  • Define online parts purchasing from fleets’ perspective.
  • Determine impacts to the current distribution channels.
  • Identify unique and/or different distribution channels that have not been traditionally utilized.

What is the current state of the trucking economy?

Better than most people think. Our leading and coincident metrics indicate that current conditions are good and will be sustained.

The mix of TEA in 2017 will be different, much different than in 2016.

Capital spending is improving, as are exports. Consumers may take a breather, but show no signs of weakness. The wild card is government spending. We expect large revisions in both the Federal and most State budgets. Total spending in the next fiscal year could look markedly different than it did in the last.  But, it is still not clear in which budgets and in which direction.

Full details are coming in the next edition of the TEA Newsletter; it will be released in less than a month.

--Bob Dieli, in-house economist


Are your automated systems customer friendly?

In the last couple months between work and personal business, I have needed to contact a number of companies for various things. This has meant interfacing with company voicemail and websites, with good and, unfortunately, far too many not so good experiences.


I am all in favor of automated voice systems/websites where you can access information you need as long as two requirements are met: 1) efficient (if you need to go through 10 levels of questions- probably not efficient) and 2) effective (if system cuts you off- probably not effective). When working correctly, it helps speed up results, allows you to access data 24/7 and you don’t have to play phone tag. However, I think you should always have the option of speaking with someone in person.  ....More


By John Blodgett

Excerpt from Column printed in Truck Parts & Service, April 2017.