Approximately every four years since 1997, MacKay & Company has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Truck and Trailer Service Market.
While the scope of this research has expanded rather considerably since the initial benchmark study, many of the service-related issues research in this initial effort have been regularly tracked. As a result, participants in the program have been able to measure shifts and changes for a variety of service practices, service sourcing preferences and other critical issues.
Outsourcing of maintenance and service work by truck owners currently performing most if not all of this work internally has been an high interest issue since the initial benchmark research was conducted. Truck owners have repeatedly told us they are interested in outsourcing – but only if a service supplier can effectively deal with their primary concerns about outsourcing.
For four consecutive service studies we have asked several thousand truck owners this question: “What are your top concerns about outsourcing power unit service work?” (We focused on power units since they represent the vast majority of the total service labor market). And the responses to this question for each of the first four surveys were completely consistent:
The top three concerns about service outsourcing were rated virtually identical in importance:
Top Concerns of Operators about Outsourcing Power Unit Service Work
Truck owners in 2015 – for the first time – have shifted the priority of their outsourcing concerns – and dramatically so! While Cost of Repairs and Quality of Service Work are still important – the issue of Time lost/Downtime/Turnaround Time is 50% more important than either of the other two issues! The biggest concern today is equipment availability – and the biggest obstacle that service providers must overcome.
The new business opportunity for service providers is huge. Just a two point shift to outside service providers is an opportunity worth $850 million. The challenge? Truck owners need to be convinced that they can get the work done with a minimum of lost time.
Time IS money – and $850 million could be just the first installment!